Patriot Games: Tom Brady, NFL’s Harrison Ford

Amounst the gigantic, a star that sizzles

Blockbusters galore, and a few that fizzled

Indiana Jones and Han Solo, his names

Blade Runner and Jack Ryan in Patriot Games
Which hones in on the crux of the matter today

A day meant for rest taken over by play

Men dressed in colors cinched over some pads

Five million dollar stories positioned as ads
Running on a fake lawn, with many a throw
Pomp, circumstance, and a halftime show

Back and forth across the painted “grass”

With testosteronic hubris to the watching mass
We all get together to yell and to scream

One hundred million people facing the screen

Stuffing our faces whilst taking a swig

Watching a piece of dead skin from a pig

#PoetryTrumpsFootball #WeCanDoBetterMerica